How to dye a straw hat green DIY
DIY,  Dyeing,  No-Sew Projects

How to Dye a Straw Hat + an old dress

This was just going to be how to dye a straw hat, but then I decided to toss in the old dress and make an outfit of it! And here we are!

I loved both of these items, but rarely wore either of them. Both were a tan or nude color and I am a VERY pale-skinned person. They just weren’t doing it for me and, as a result, spent a lot of time in my closet.

AND (as you can see) I shaved all my hair off! So I’ll be needing a good hat to protect my head from the brutal Oki sun this summer.

Green hat and dress summer outfit How to dye a straw hat DIY

How to dye a straw hat DIY hat display storage feature wall

See that painted lamp in the mirror?? Yup! I painted that and I have a post for it too! Painted Lamp Shade Tutorial

The Hat

Anthony purchased the hat for me when I first moved out to Okinawa with him. I was sad because I had to leave all my hats back home (I own wayyyy too many hats, no lie) so he picked this one from a little vendor inside the BX (military Walmart) for me. I love the style of it, but again with that color… I’m sure someone else would rock it, but a NUDE hat has no business being darker than my skin.

Real talk, this post is a little bit of a lie. It’s not a straw hat. The tag inside of it says “100% Paper”. But isn’t it more about the style of hat anyway?? If I get my hands on an actual straw hat I will absolutely dye it and update this post for all of you sticklers.

(Note, I realize there is an actual straw hat in the picture above. But no, I will not be dyeing that one)

Green hat and dress summer outfit How to dye a straw hat DIY

The Dress

This dress is oldddd I’m not really sure how old, but I think it was my mothers before mine. Maybe I should ask her….

But the construction is beautiful. The shape and style is really unique, and it has pretty floral details in the bodice. The dress was much longer when it came into my possession. If I remember correctly, it was ankle length and I shortened it.

I used to enjoy wearing this dress. It felt “old fashioned” but lately it just feels run down. I don’t feel pretty in it, I feel like a tired mama that doesn’t know what else to wear…. Ick.

Random-story-time: One fine Sunday afternoon in August of 2018, on our way home from church, my brother and I decided to go for an impromptu hike up a mountain to see a fire tower. And would you know, I was wearing that dress! So yeah, it’s been through a lot.

Photographic Proof!

How to Dye a Straw Hat

I found very little information from others about dying straw hats. I found lots about dying different kinds of hats (specifically wool hats) and I found people painting straw hats.

So without much to go off of, I just went for it. I decided to treat it the same way I would any natural fiber clothing.

For a more general list of dying tips see my other post 11 Dyeing Tips for Lasting, Vibrant Results

I made my dye bath the same way I suggest in the link above. I added salt, not vinegar, it just seemed to fit better for the hat. Also I’m guessing the dress is cotton (there are no tags in it) and I wanted to be able to dye them together.

It was half a bottle of RIT dye and a few gallons of water. Enough water for the hat to be completely covered in my wash bucket.

The dye process was really simple, and honestly not too different from dying clothes. I basically just submerged it, stirred it around, and let it soak.

I WAS nervous about submerging a “PAPER” hat in water… but nothing bad happened, so I think it’s fine.

I let it soak for about an hour, maybe a little more.

To rinse it, again, I did the same thing I suggest when dyeing clothes. Rinse with hot water then switch to cold water and keep rinsing till the water runs clear. The biggest difference is that I didn’t toss it in the wash after. I just rinsed it extra and set it out to air dry. I’m hoping this doesn’t come back to bite me…. like… am I going to get caught in a sudden downpour and green water is going to run down my face and I’ll reenact Fiona’s transformation???? “But you are beautiful”

(UPDATE I have worn it a good few times now, so far no green dye has dripped down my face)

Green hat and dress summer outfit How to dye a straw hat DIY

Dyeing The Dress

As little as I really had to say about the dyeing process for the hat, I have even less to say about the dress. Any advice I have, I already gave in my other post. I let this dress soak with the hat, but took it out at about 40 minutes. And it did go through the wash.

I contemplated altering the dress, and I still might, but I couldn’t settle on an alteration. The top doesn’t fit me just right, and the sleeves… I don’t know. Something is off, but what do I do about it?

Whatever it is, I love it so much more now that it’s green.

Green hat and dress summer outfit How to dye a straw hat DIY
The dress DID soak with the hat. I switched to the wash bucket after taking this picture and realizing the hat would not fit in this bowl.

Final thoughts

I love this set. I don’t usually wear green, but I even love the color! I feel confident in the full outfit, and check it out! I even found green shoes to match. Thank you clearance rack!

The colors are not an exact match. It makes sense that would happen, the dress was more of a nude while the hat was “tan”, so clearly, the hat is a darker green than the dress. But it’s all cool. They’re both definitely green.

And now I know how to dye a straw hat, so that’s cool.

Green hat and dress summer outfit How to dye a straw hat DIY
P.S. I think I found my new favorite photo spot!!!

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    • Johanna Chick

      Hey, thanks for the comment and sorry for the late reply! It did not change the shape of the hat, but I do find that the hat is just slightly “floppier” than it was before. Hope that’s helpful!

  • Kari

    My hat (also 100% paper) faded from black to grey from the sun. I’m very nervous about black dye leaching if say, Maui catches me with a tropical rain – even if I attempt to shelter the hat under my arm. Do you think dabbing on black leather dye would work better than soaking in fabric dye? (I guess I don’t think of black leather shoes as dripping black dye in the rain.) My second fear surfaced after reading your response to another’s inquiry regarding diminished sturdiness. My (formerly black) sun hat has a relatively firm tightly woven gigantic brim, hence again wondering what your advice might be in this case. Like you I also have not been able to find information on the web so far. Historically, hat dye was commonly sold as women regularly re-dyed and refreshed their summer sun-faded straw hats. I remember my grandmother & great aunts having several ancient bottles on their shelves. It looked like liquid shoe polish with a cotton fuzzy mop thingie inside. Too bad it’s not manufactured anymore to my knowledge.

    • Johanna Chick

      Hello Kari, thank you for your comment! I haven’t had any problems with the dye leaching. However, if your brim is especially large and floppy I think I would be worried about it losing shape and flopping more than you want.

      I have not tried this myself, but I imagine you could achieve the desired result by watering down black acrylic paint and dabbing it on with a damp sponge. That should not affect the shape. This technique has worked well for me on other surfaces.

      I would love an update on what method you end up using. I might have to try the paint trick myself and see how it works!

  • Barbara

    You are adorable and so is your new outfit. I love that the shades of green are a little different, it adds to the look. So, I know I am seeing this a year later but I am thankful to find this info. I am going to go for it today after reading your helpful blog. White hat to a denim color. I also saw a Rit dye tutorial that suggests spraying the finished, dried hat with scotch guard, they didn’t explain why but I was thinking it may set the dye? Again, thanks for the hat dying help!

  • M A

    Thank you for your article. I found it searching for dyeing a paper straw hat – in my case because it has gotten stained from constant use!

    I wanted to comment to thank you for advice, but also to say that I very much like what you did with the dress and hat. They are both so cute now! The hat would also be cute with a black and white outfit, or any floral with a bit of green in it. I wouldn’t try to change the sleeves, they reflect the hemline of the dress in the pictures. And your outfit would be retro cute worn with a long beaded necklace (sort of a flapper nod).
    Thank you!

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