The Best Holidays in October for you to Celebrate!
Along with beautiful fall foliage and pumpkin carving, October has arrived! Here’s a short list of some of the best holidays you can celebrate this October with your family. Print your list out HERE and tape it up beside your calendar! Find my October bucket list HERE for your and your family to complete! Now, share in the comments how you plan to celebrate these great holidays with your family! Holidays in October 2019 1st: International Coffee Day 4th: World Smile Day 6th: Mad Hatter Day 8th: National Face Your Fears Day 12th: National Motorcycle Ride Day 14th: Columbus Day 17th: Wear Something Gaudy Day 22nd: National Nut Day 25th:…
Ultimate October Bucket List
Welcome October! Are you and your family looking for fun ways to spend your weekends and afternoons this month? Well, here’s the ultimate bucket list of all the best things October has to offer! Find your printable version HERE And don’t forget to check out my list of October Holidays to celebrate this year as well
DIY: Painted Lampshade
Upon moving into our new home in Okinawa, we quickly realized that around here, lamps, of all things, are hard to come by. Our living room has large, bright, florescent ceiling lights… not at all relaxing to snuggle up under in the evenings. It was clear that something had to be done to improve our snuggle time and so we set out in search of a lamp. We checked the BX (for those of you who don’t know, BX stands for Base Exchange and it’s basically Military Walmart) they had ONE lamp. It was a basic lamp, nothing fancy. It could have worked fine if only the shade hadn’t been…