The Best Holidays in October for you to Celebrate!
Along with beautiful fall foliage and pumpkin carving, October has arrived! Here’s a short list of some of the best holidays you can celebrate this October with your family.
Print your list out HERE and tape it up beside your calendar!
Find my October bucket list HERE for your and your family to complete!
Now, share in the comments how you plan to celebrate these great holidays with your family!
Holidays in October 2019
1st: International Coffee Day
4th: World Smile Day
6th: Mad Hatter Day
8th: National Face Your Fears Day
12th: National Motorcycle Ride Day
14th: Columbus Day
17th: Wear Something Gaudy Day
22nd: National Nut Day
25th: International Artist’s Day
26th: National Day of The Deployed
30th: Frankenstein Day
30th: National Candy Corn Day
31st: Halloween